Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Role Playing

At first I was not excited about the idea of role playing, but as we started to get into the roles, it became a very interesting and legitimate way for me to learn about No Child Left Behind. If it would have been a lecture instead of role playing, I feel like I would have learned the facts and statistics about the material, which is not necessarily a bad thing, it's just different than what we learned through role playing. We learned the proceedings and how different parties would feel about the legislation first hand. I'm not sure if emotion is necessary in the learning process. In this situation, I think it helped our understanding, but if we were in the lecture setting instead, emotion may not have been as big of a factor. There was definitely bias in who the administrators were addressing. The teachers and the parents of the lower achieving students were definitely not valued in the way that the parents of the higher achieving students and the business owners were. Overall, I think the role playing experience was a legitimate way to learn about No Child Left Behind.

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